The Nicholas School of the Environment offers undergraduate programs, certificate programs, graduate and doctoral degrees as well as several non-degree educational opportunities. We offer the opportunity to customize your education, on both of our campuses, with studies from the list of NSOE courses.

The Duke Student Association of Wetland Scientists (Duke SAWS) is a student-run organization within NSOE dedicated to wetland ecology, restoration, and conservation. The goal is to provide a meeting ground for students interested in all aspects of wetlands. Activities include field trips, seminars, and volunteer events.

The Center’s outreach activities include workshops, seminars, and tours for K-12 students, graduate and undergraduate groups, and professional organizations. The public can visit SWAMP for a self-guided tour, accessing it via the Al Buehler Trail on Duke’s West Campus.

Follow our Facebook page and our YouTube channel.

WetlandWire, the newsletter of the Duke University Wetland Center, is published annually in a print edition. An online version is always available.